Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gifts For Those With Fibromyalgia or Other Chronic Pain

Fibromyalgia not only effects those who have the condition but those that are around the inflicted person as well.  With the holidays upon us you may be looking for gifts to give your loved one with Fibromyalgia.  Why not consider things that will help your beloved feel better?  With Fibromyalgia many won't take the time to relax and take care of themselves so great gifts are gifts that will help the person reduce stress, relax, and have a sense of overall wellness.

Since I have suffered with Fibromyalgia for several years I have found things that I like that I will suggest to give as gifts.  I also read on http://www.webmd.com/ in the Fibromyalgia Community that listed gifts for those in pain.  So between myself and this list I have compiled a list to help you shop for that person you care about care for their Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Here is my list of gifts for Fibromyalgia and/or other Chronic Pain condition:
  • Heat Wraps (small or large)  I received a full body microwavable wrap from my husband for Christmas one year.  It is probably the most used item in my Fibro arsenal.  He bought it for me at Origins.  I also have a small one for the neck I purchased at The Body Shop. 
  • Massage is always great.  I do recommend you check that the massage therapist has experience with Fibromyalgia and Myofascia massage.  People with Fibro need a gentle touch and there are techniques to help the patient feel better and not cause more pain.
  • Heated Mattress Cover is again something I have and use nightly in the cooler months.  I turn it on a bit before I climb into bed and it is warm and cozy and doesn't stiffen my body.  I also use it in the morning to loosen up the muscles a bit before I get up.
  • Maid Service.  Even a one time deep cleaning would be a great help.  Sometimes we just can't get down to clean the floor trim, or things up high like lights and fans.  If you can't afford to purchase the service make a coupon for your Fibro friend  or family member for you to let them have the day off and you clean the house for them.
  • E-Reader or Kindle.  Many have times when a book is too heavy to hold for long periods of time and since these are light it can help when they are down.  They can escape the pain by reading a great novel of their choice.  It is something they can take with them to their many doctor appointments as well.
  • Bath Pillows are also great.   Soaking in a hot bath soothes the body, but if your head is not supported it can cause pain.  With Fibro again we need things to help us with daily tasks.  I have one of these and it does really help when I need to sit back in the warmth of a hot bath.
  • Warm Cozy Socks.  Great stocking stuffer idea.  Those with Fibro are always looking to stay warm.  Socks can really warm a person up and a nice, non tight, comfortable fabric are great.  I know I have a large collection and when I am home it is all I wear and I buy more whenever I get the chance.
  • DVDs of their favorite movies.  When in pain sometimes you can't do anything but lay there.  It is great to get lost in a great comedy or edge of your seat movie. Or another option is to up their cable or dish subscription to get Showtime or HBO if they don't have it.
  • CDs or ITunes card for their favorite soothing and relaxing music.  Or even and MP3 player if they don't have one.  As they sit in the tub relaxing or burning a scented candle it is another way to escape the pain some.

Some of these I have, some I would like.  When you are gift giving for a person with Fibromyalgia or other Chronic Pain conditions I think it is important to keep that in mind.  People who suffer pain and exhaustion feel guilty quite often if they take time for themselves and by giving a gift for them to do it they feel less guilty.  I know this from my life and experiences.  I want to put my boys and husband, extended family and friends first, but there are times when I need to think of me first so I can put others first.


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